Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cassini ISS images - April 12-16, 2010

The following new images taken by the Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) on the Cassini spacecraft are now available:
  • Before Hazy Titan (Released 12 April 2010)
    Saturn's moon Dione passes in front of the larger moon Titan, as seen from the Cassini spacecraft.
  • Lost Among Stars (Released 13 April 2010)
    Saturn's tiny moon Atlas appears almost indistinguishable from the background stars seen in this Cassini spacecraft image.
  • Up and Down Tethys (Released 14 April 2010)
    The Cassini spacecraft profiles several features oriented north-south on Saturn's moon Tethys.
  • In the Arc (Released 15 April 2010)
    This Cassini spacecraft image holds an unseen treasure orbiting within the bright arc of Saturn's G ring: the tiny moonlet Aegaeon.
  • Map of Dione - February 2010 (Released 15 April 2010)
    This global map of Saturn's moon Dione was created using images taken during flybys by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
  • Dione Polar Maps - February 2010 (Released 15 April 2010)
    The northern hemisphere of Saturn's moon Dione is seen in this polar stereographic maps, mosaicked from the best-available clear-filter images from NASA's Cassini and Voyager missions.
  • Dione Polar Maps - February 2010 (Released 15 April 2010)
    The southern hemisphere of Saturn's moon Dione is seen in this polar stereographic maps, mosaicked from the best-available clear-filter images from NASA's Cassini and Voyager missions.
  • Brilliant Blip Beyond Saturn (Released 16 April 2010)
    The highly reflective moon Enceladus appears as a bright dot beyond a crescent Saturn in this Cassini image.


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